Waadookodaading embodies a positive and productive intergovernmental arrangement that has empowered parents and local Ojibwe community members to take symbolic and practical ownership of the school as well as contributing to the larger movement towards indigenous language preservation.
4K & K registration
Weniijaanisiyeg, ambe sa naa omaa Waadookodaading, da biinjibii’amaw giniijaanis!
Parents, come to Waadookodaading to enroll your child! We are enrolling students entering Kindergarten and 4K for the upcoming school year. If you would like to learn more about Waadookodaading and how to enroll, then please attend this event!
Donate Now!
Indigenous languages are a means through which students and the community can achieve the ultimate goal of Indigenous survival and tribal sovereignty through realization of personal, family, cultural, spiritual, environmental, and educational goals.
Investing in Native-led nonprofits brings positive change in Native communities and when you donate to the Waaadookodaading Ojibwe Language Institute, every donation makes an impact, no matter how big or small.
Get Involved!
All parents of currently enrolled Waadookodaading students are welcome to attend quarterly Waadookodaading Parent Committee meetings.
Topics of Conversation:
Upcoming events
Discussion on what parents would like to see from WPC